Category Archives: Wild Statia

Wild Statia: The Precision Hunter

The insect world is full of things that are strange, beautiful and terrifying. This week in Wild Statia we focus on a critter that is all three. Admirers the finely-tuned results of millions of years of evolution and designers of terrifying movie monst…

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Wild Statia: Meet the Beetles

This week, we take a closer look at the fab 400,000: the beetles! They’re the most diverse group of living things on the planet and there are plenty on Statia.

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Wild Statia: Forever Young

A gristly tale, but also a great example of the complexity of ecosystems and how the relationships between organisms keep our living world in balance.

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Wild Statia: What Are Micromoths?

Micromoths are about what you would think they are: tiny moths. Many species can be found on Statia, but they are notoriously difficult to identify.

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Wild Statia: All Too Much and Not Enough

Something a little different this week, some thoughts about the process of refining the raw materials into a worthwhile wildlife guide:

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Wild Statia: 200 Meters in the Windward Islands

200 meters (actually 200 metres for everyone except poor Americans like me who barely know what a metre is) doesn’t seem like a whole lot. But if you’re talking altitude—and we are—it is a pretty big deal around here. Take a trip upward in the latest Wild Statia:

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Wild Statia: Capturing the Changes

Wild Statia takes a second look at the wealth of information presented in the recent Journal of Caribbean Ornithology article about Statia. In addition to compiling records of species never seen on the island before, the article also shares data on populations that have been changing in recent years. The full article from the JCO …

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Wild Statia: Filling in the Gaps

In this week’s Wild Statia, we take a look at a recent publication collecting records of new bird species sighted on Statia. You can access the original article for free at the Journal of Caribbean Ornithology.

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Wild Statia: Flying Zebras

The Zebra Longwing is one of Statia’s most beautiful and captivating butterflies. It also has a truly amazing life history with plenty of surprising details.

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Wild Statia: Voous on Statia

It is impossible to say when the study of wildlife on Statia became essentially modern, but Voous publication on birds in the early 1950s is as good a marker as any.

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