Bird Watch SXM: Four Twenty-eight

In the latest Bird Watch we take a look at some individual birds as they travel the globe. How does that work? Read it and find out:
In the latest Bird Watch we take a look at some individual birds as they travel the globe. How does that work? Read it and find out:
Over people of all ages came to celebrate migratory birds and learn about the amazing journeys that bring them to St. Martin. It was a record crowd for the Migratory Birds Festival, organized by Les Fruits de Mer. Attendees were treated to a variety of presentations and activities related to migratory birds and the habitats …
How does nature pay? Find out from Ilja Botha, who presented this overview of various services nature provides us and the potential to tap into nature tourism on St. Martin. Watch it now:
Catch up on what you missed at the Migratory Bird Festival with Mark Yokoyama’s presentation on migratory birds on St. Martin. Watch it now:
If you weren’t at the Migratory Bird Festival, you missed Jenn’s presentation: Killer Fashion. She tells the surprising and fascinating tale of a fashion trend that brought birds to the brink of extinction and two women who helped launch the modern conservation movement with their efforts to save the birds.
This week we take a broader look at how birds unite us and inspire us to protect entire ecosystems. I think this is important to understanding why it is worthwhile to spend so much energy on birds, and although this is a more encompassing look at birds and their conservation, hopefully it won’t seem too…extreme:
The Migratory Bird Festival was fantastic yesterday, thanks to all the volunteers and sponsors! Here’s the first batch of photos from the event (and the volunteer lunch), taken by Jovito Hermoso.
There’s no way we could pull off fun, free festivals like the Migratory Bird Festival without the support of our sponsors. We’re very excited to have Hotel L’Esplanade as a returning sponsor this year! Hotel L’Esplanade This hotel has established a cult following from guests that enjoy an authentic, luxurious, unpretentious and un-touristy Caribbean experience …
People of all ages are invited to enjoy a marvelous morning of wildlife at the fourth annual Migratory Bird Festival this Sunday, with a full slate of fantastic activities and nature presentations. The event will take place from 9am to noon at the University of St. Martin on Pond Island in Philipsburg. Created by the …
Today there was an open house at a pre-Colombian archaeological dig site near our apartment. In Grand Case, these sites have some pottery, stone tools and bones, but the majority of the artifacts are shells, primarily conch and whelk. Scattered around the dig site, I noticed a few shells from the Giant African Land Snail, …