Monika Zach

Simpson Bay
One Strong Arm
The Simpson Bay Bridge is familiar to all residents and tourist who pass over it. The raising of the bridge is a feat of strength, engineering and beauty.
Simpson Bay
One Strong Arm
The Simpson Bay Bridge is familiar to all residents and tourist who pass over it. The raising of the bridge is a feat of strength, engineering and beauty.
Kim Sha Beach
La Bamba
La Bamba is a very popular locale where locals and tourists go to have fun. As well Kim Sha Beach holds a lot of popular events throughout the year
Simpson Bay Lagoon
The juxtaposition of the mega yachts with the Venetian gondola depicts the diversity and the unexpected beauty of the island. The colours produced by the sunset and clouds create a dramatic backdrop.
Simpson Bay We fell in love with the Simpson Bay area of St. maarten years ago…the maritime history of this area is a long and beautiful one…rich in traditions and stories.