Bird Watch SXM: Ready for Study

There’s so much we have yet to learn about even the most common species we are living with. Hopefully local biologists will be the ones to fill in the gaps in the coming years.
There’s so much we have yet to learn about even the most common species we are living with. Hopefully local biologists will be the ones to fill in the gaps in the coming years.
In this week’s Wild Statia, we take a look at a recent publication collecting records of new bird species sighted on Statia. You can access the original article for free at the Journal of Caribbean Ornithology.
The desire to see ourselves in birds is powerful. They do lots of “human” stuff. Seeing them as versions of us doesn’t necessarily help us understand them better, but feeling the commonality does bring us closer to nature.
Here’s a short video about the project we just did with SXM DOET and Be the Change SXM at the St. Maarten Zoo:
Here’s a short video about the project we just did with SXM DOET and Be the Change SXM at the St. Maarten Zoo:
Yesterday we took part in a fantastic project to add native animal signage to the St. Maarten Zoo. The Zoo is a favorite spot for local and visiting kids and families. It’s also a space where many of our native animal species can be seen, including some that are only found in our region. We …
Yesterday we took part in a fantastic project to add native animal signage to the St. Maarten Zoo. The Zoo is a favorite spot for local and visiting kids and families. It’s also a space where many of our native animal species can be seen, including some that are only found in our region. We …
The Zebra Longwing is one of Statia’s most beautiful and captivating butterflies. It also has a truly amazing life history with plenty of surprising details.