Category Archives: Les Fruits de Mer

Lucinda Frye

Vibrant African Tulip Tree; Flame of the Forest; African Flame Tree (Spathodea campanulata.) The colours of the Flame Tree are truly vibrant. When they are in bloom it makes one glad to be a witness to Mother Nature’s beauty. Flame trees are native to Equatorial Africa, they can reach heights of 40 to 60 tall […]

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Gisele Jermin

Vibrant Fete, Jollification, serenade and large family gatherings all play a huge role in our Cultural Heritage. They are vibrant cultural traditions that promote a sense of community. And food of course is an essential component of these gatherings. The traditional way of cooking on 3 stones predates the era of convenience items like stoves. […]

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Gisele Jermin

Vibrant For some the arrival of summer is marked by the rising temperatures and humidity, for others it’s marked by end of the school year. For me it’s not summer until the Flamboyant trees paint the island in vibrant red, orange and yellow blooms. The Flamboyant, also known as the July Tree, is our National […]

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Jay Haviser

Vibrant Freedom of expression is a vibrant force and Religion is ever present in the life of St. Maarten, some religious forms are practiced openly and other forms secretive, like this scene of ritual practice hidden in the cemetery under a cloak of darkness. Yet all these expressions are a testament to the vibrant diversity […]

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Jay Haviser

Vibrant Youth are that vibrant power that steers our future, and their expressions deserve respect and attention, like this tree at Kim Sha Beach, transforming the linkage from a natural feature to a youth gathering place. Whether it be an expression of free-style art, a dedication for the soul of a lost loved one, or simply […]

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Alexandre Guerre

Vivant Les tortues marines doivent etre protégées car elles sont endemiques de nos eaux et quel bonheur de pouvoir les observées a l’etat naturel. La photo a été prise dans la baie de Tintamarre … Vulnerable Les rues couleurs caraibes et autres maisons typiques doivent etre preservé et je dirais meme plus protégés avec des […]

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Lucinda Frye

Vibrant The sea along the shoreline of St. Maarten/St. Martin is often cloudy because of the tides and currents churned up by the winds. Some days, though, the sea is crystal clear as if looking into the depths of a swimming pool. The range of vibrant colours that stretch from the white sand shore through […]

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Christine Garner

Vibrant Many years ago there were no monkeys on the island however within the past year the vervet monkeys (chlorocebus pygerythrus) have grown in leaps and bounds and become the most vibrant species today on our island. Native to Africa they travel in social groups of anywhere between 5-25 at any given time. Their specific […]

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Sample Entry

Vibrant The snowy egret always reminds me of the vibrance of this island and the perseverance of wildlife. These birds were hunted for their feathers, and were almost gone through much of their native range. This overhunting may explain why the first official record of these birds on the island was not made until 1952. […]

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Educational Materials from the Endemic Animal Festival 2014

If you missed the Endemic Animal Festival this year, or are interested in learning more about our locally and regionally endemic animals, you can download materials from this year’s event. Basics about our endemics (PDF) This document explains some basics about our endemic animals, including: What does endemic mean? Why do we have endemic animals? […]

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